This was a rebranding project for VZW. They already had most of the content for this presentation but needed to reskin it for a young audience as they planned to run this presentation in mall kiosks. My role was to come up with the design and apply it to the existing Flash presentation.
This was a Flash Facebook app I built with Context Optional, a company specializing in social media application development. My role was to build the Flash app using assets from an illustrator and attach the scoring and stats to the tracking database. Context provided the backend and the links/parameters for the Flash scripts.
G2 handed me the designs for this presentation I built for Adobe with the stipulation that the content be editable. It's built in Flash (AS2) and uses an XML file to provide the content.
I designed and built this interactive demo reel for an Atlanta soundtrack composer to showcase the depth of his work. The cd was built with Macromedia Director. This was the project that started a long period of cd-rom development for me.
I was the developer for this presentation HP wanted to use to recognize and promote the best work that been done at the company during 2000. This project was especially significant in that it was the first project where I really pushed my programming skills and realized I could move beyond the most basic of interface programming and into more complicated UI programming tasks. *Built with Flash 4 and that horrible pull-down interface for coding which shows you my level of dedication to the project.
I include this site not for its sex appeal or programming complexity but for my ability to learn quickly. A new small architecture firm in San Francisco needed a site built quickly and using a content management system. They had hardly any money and none for a paid CMS. In the course of one day I researched options and choose TextPattern, learned it, built the html templates from the client's design and integrated the templates into the TextPattern system.
This is a database-driven villa rental site I built with PHP/MySQL. I built the HTML/CSS templates, designed and programmed the MySQL database and wrote the PHP for the main site data access as well as a PHP backend for the administrators to maintain the site.
This is a Flash site that uses external text files to store some of the data – the track lists and discography and the photography list. This site also has a custom Flash mp3 player that gets its data from the external files and has relatively full-featured control.
I built a series of marketing presentations for Keynote using Flash for a set of lengthy sequences of animation, video and audio syncronization. What I learned most with this project was how to get large size video files to playback fluidly with overlaid graphic and text animation while streaming from the server.
This Flash marketing site for a corporate education/personal growth firm uses external data to define the site's text content and lists of videos.